Our mission is to plan for and facilitate bird habitat conservation, research, and outreach in an effort to ensure sustainable populations of priority bird species in the Edwards Plateau and Oaks and Prairies Bird Conservation Regions in Oklahoma and Texas.

OPJV Media Coverage
Settled in at Old Settlers (TPWD Television Series)
The State Of Quail (TPWD Television Series)
2015 Lone Star Land Steward: Gore Family Farm (TPWD Television Series)
2016 Lone Star Land Steward: Pecore Farm (TPWD Television Series)
Can We Bring the Quail Back? Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine, December 2015
In Restoring Native Prairies, Landowners Help Birds And Butterflies, Bird Conservation, Spring 2016
Conservation Wrangler Update: OPJV Progress Report, Texan by Nature
Prairie landowners replant to make room for quail, Houston Chronicle
Texas tries to put quail habitat on map, Victoria Advocate
Texas Ranchers Work On Bobwhite Quail Restoration, Texas Matters, Texas Public Radio
Listening for the Call of the Quail, State Impact Texas, NPR
Northern Bobwhite, Playa Country Radio